Tuesday, March 30, 2010


What song has captured your mind lately?

goodbye (piano version) -sean fournier :)

What TV show do you catch regularly?


What book really has lately engaged you?

If You Could Hear What I See. By Kathy Buckley

What movie do you find yourself re-watching?

Just Married

What is something that is over-rated lately?

designer jeans (with overly bedazzled pockets esp.)

What is the best kept secret in music you NEED to share?

dont go to the radio to find new music..discover artists that dont show up on the cover of gossip magazines

What comfort food has been important to you of late?

corn dogs from stans? mmmmm :)

What place is your hiding place?

my room.

Do you collect anything? If so what?

polish. well im building my collection.

What beverage is a daily consumable for you?

i do like coke...

What store or shop do you frequent the most?

forever21 it is.

What is your favorite animal?

haileys. preferably puppy ones.

Who is your favorite male/female celeb?

ashton & victoria

Favorite color as of late?


i taaagg: Sophie74, Ashley, A, Courtney, Meggoo, Keri20, Liz, Rachel, Robyn & Chlo :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

bright spots in a dim world

Those little moments. The little tender mercies that happen in your everyday life is what gets me from each day to the next. Not gonna lie- I didn't want to get up this morning. I wanted to sleep just a couple more hours cuddled in my bed. I had little energy and so I thought I couldn't give my clients the energy they deserved. However I decided to get over it and just make the best of my day. Lucky for me, god knew I couldn't do it by myself and would need a little help from others.

He first placed Carol into my day. Carol was an elderly hot mess. Literally! Haha she came with her hair straight out of the curlers, lipstick on her teeth and a grin that could light up the entire school. She was lovely! With her south carolina accent, she was just what I needed in my day. We instantly became buddies and it wasn't until we were walking to the front desk to pay did I decided she was the greatest person EVER.

It went a little something like this...

Carol: I have something for you in my back pocket!
Me: really? Oh no you don't need to give me anything, honest! (I'm thinking it's a tip...)
carol: oh yes! Here you go! (she hands me a mysterious stick or brown wrapped up in saran wrap)
me: what is it? ( in my mind I'm like beef jerky?)
carol: it's a home made fruit roll up! All organic, no sugars added, just real fruit!

Haha and so that was my tip! A home made fruit roll up! What else could be better right? Hah well actualy I haven't eatin it yet cus it's kinda sketch....but it was hilarious!

On to example dos:

The gas station across the street is my third home. My first home is Paul mitch. White walls, no windows, but still an amazing place. Second is my apartment. Which is okay- when it's not a heaping mess. And Crest, the gas station is my third home. I visit daily and get my usual- which switches up every couple months so I don't know why I call it my usual. Anywho I know every single worker and think they are absolute gems. However, one lady has always stood out to me. She was always singing, humming, whatever it may be- she's always carrying a tune. For crying out loud she works at a gas station and she's happy as a clam:) what a great example to me! When I went over there today- through the drive thru of course ( greatest invention ever!) I talked to her through the window for a little bit about hair and her wedding coming up soon. I gave her a couple people to contact about extentions and she was very appreciative. Then she filled up my mug for free!! Boy was I stoked! Like she probably didn't even realize that it was a little bright spot in my day to get a free drink! I drove away feeling like the queen of the world, sun shining, ice cold sprite to sip on and a smile in my heart and across my face:)

I am so grateful for the people that come into our lives- may it be just for a minute or an hour- they truly can brighten my day. And I know it's no coinsciendence that these people were put on my path, I am ever so grateful for God's hand in my day to day occurances.

Now I can't help but wonder.. how many times I am used in other peoples lives to brighten their day a little? How many times did I make the most of it? Or ruin it? Isn't it crazy that we can all be a Carol or the lady at the gas station and not even know how much change we can make? The littlest things are the most powerful. And sometimes little things can go a lonnnng way.

Go out there and make someones day:)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

once upon a TIME...

I've been thinking a lot lately about time. Time in general. How fast it goes the older you get, how you can't ever get it back, and how we waste it so carelessly.
Time really is such a strange thing. The other day when I was in my car I glanced at my clock and casually thought to myself, oh I'm okay my clock is 6 minutes fast- I'll be on time. So i set my clock faster to not be late but since I know how fast it is set, I subtract those minutes and realize I have a few spare extra minutes. So if I know thy why do I set my clock faster? Maybe that doesn't even make sense but I was really deep in thought about it- leading myself to think about time for the rest of the day.

Why is it that when your little, a couple hours seems like a couple days? Your mom calls and says you have to come home in 2 hours so you and your friend grab the barbies and imaginations run wild and it feels like the world is on pause. Then I think about today, I'm hanging out and have two hours I'll I should be home. 3 minutes later it's time and who knew where the time went. And yes I know that time flies when your having fun, But my barbie days were fun days as well. So really it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

I decided that as I've gotten older- people always say that time goes by so fast, the days are shorter, everything is happening quicker. But is it really? Or are we just all THINKING and SAYING that so we have got ourselves to believe that? Maybe we just have heard eachother say it so much that we start to live our lives in a way where time is faster. Maybe we are always looking to what is going to happen tomorrow...or in an hour even. I know I do It- I don't enjoy the here and now as much as I should. So why should I expect time to seem long when I can only focus on what is GOING to come? A speaker at church on Sunday said something that really inspiried me. He said that we can't feel the spirit when we aren't in th here and now, because the spirit speaks to us so quietly at times that if we aren't in the now moment, we will miss it.

Maybe if we all stopped saying that time was going by too fast it would slow down? Who knows...I guess I'll just Have to start living in the here and now and see if my days, weeks and months get longer....

Monday, March 22, 2010


spring is in the air.
i can feel it. i want to wear sandals. and lie on the grass and feel the sun sunshine on my face.
me and sophie even decided that sometimes when your getting ready in the mornings and you want it to be a warm day, you purposely wear spring clothes HOPING that since you wore that, it will be sunny. Usually it ends up not working and the weather does what it wants anyways. BUT the last few days have made me so excited for the warmer weather....bring it onnnn.

Monday, March 15, 2010

dream wardrobe.

The other day as I was flipping through fashion magazines, which is a daily thing for me at school since they are everywhereeee- Vogue, Elle, Glamour...and all the inbetween- a idea popped in my head. I asked my friends if they could have any celebrities wardrobe, whose would they choose? Some knew instantly and others sat with a pondering look on their face. Then the question was returned to myself. And i sat there and I really didnt know my answer. Its been a couple days and it keeps coming back to me, like i have to answer it or I wont be able to sleep at night. So as the week has gone by and I've been flipping through magazines I came to a conclusion that I really couldn't just pick one. But I could pick one of my favorites to share with you and a couple reasons why. Although I dont technically have ONE favorite, I chose Hilary Duff. I guess its the mood I've been in lately. Her style is something that I feel is already down my alley and I have always loved her and think she has become sooo beautiful and an amazing fashion icon. Take a look for yourself.

goal: look this good at the grocery store.

of course i love anything in the all black area.

want want want. those shoes? want.

want these shoes as well..


a little bit obsessed with this color.

okay you catch my drift. im just a tad in love. besides her wardrobe i think she does an amazing job on her makeup. whatever shes doing, its working....and its working really good.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

3 loves. 2 peeveees.

i feel like i always do the same posts on my blog over and over...but it seems to be the only thing popping into my head. since i happen to be a person who changes their likes and obsessions quite often, i am always finding new things that im into..(until im over it and move on to bigger and better) but ill switch it up and add some things im NOT loving at the moment. aka some pet peeves of the moment.

I am Lovvvinggg:

going through my moms (&aunts,&gmas) old jewlery.
im finding some great things! just the other day my niece came upstairs wearing this bracelet that she found in the playroom and i have offically taken a liking to it and i wear it just about everyday. who knew! I also found some great necklaces that i can pile on top of another just for fun. oh but the best is yet to come, my nana has all of her jewelry locked in a safe and i am going on a mission to get that thing unlocked ASAP! it will be like digging for treasure :)

if you know me well...you already know this well. but im obsessed. i could eat it everyday. oh wait? i already do! its my favorite thing to make...k wait, its like the only thing i can make. BUT I make them GOOD!

its back on! i missed it for the 3 months it wasnt on...but BOOY OH BOY was i excited when it returned. such a great little show- i do enjoy it.

NOOOOOT loving so much.

im just gonna put it out there. i do not like them. i just dont. if you have one that is okay and it doesnt mean that i dont like you. but i just dont see the point in all the sudden having a song come on ABRUPTLY for 2 seconds fun? and it does the same part of the song over and over and over....and it ruins songs. not to mention how awkward is it when your in class or something and someones phone rings and the song is absolutely ridiculous and the person is frantically searching through their bag to hurry and turn it off and their face is the color of a tomato...and im thinking to myself welllp i dont think the 2.99 for that ringtone was worth it. i prefer the great and classic mode of vibrate. that way its not going to bother anyone, offend anyone or make me sick of a song. perfect.

i think that driving back and forth to salt lake has made me a little bit of a crazy person. i have like little fights with other cars and other cars are my friend and its like this weird other world i live in. someone is tailing me and suddenly im frantically thinking...okay buddy i cant move cus there is another car in front of me so if you would like to be my trailer thats fine but at least turn off your lights so it doesnt bug me. then i snap out of it and im like, k really lauren? just drive like a normal person.. anywho that went off on a tangent...my real thing that bugs me is when people speed like lightening past construction workers...major dont in my world. okay you dont have to be a snail just cus there is orange cones but if people are honestly working...slow the heck down. seriiiiously. i guess i just think if i had someone i loved who was out there working i would want people to be respectful and slow down.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

a day in the life.

At Paul Mitchell we sometimes have days that are a little slower with clients. So instead of just working on our dolls, one of our teachers gave us a little challenge! She told us to get into little groups and choose a model, do their hair and make up and make they an outfit out of trash bags. So we did just that! We had an hour and half and so it was all super thrown together, didnt really get to think too much we just had to do and use our creativity! So we did- Chelsea, Sophie, and Keri did the hair and outfit and I did the makeup. Katy was our beautiful model. (Poor Cates was on a job so she couldnt help but she was our biggest fan). Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

If I could..I would.

Let's all admit it, when looking back at pictures or so, you think to yourself..."I thought that looked GOOD? WHAT was I thinking!?". K so maybe it is just me, but I highly doubt it. So in Glamour magazine every month they have a celeb choose a picture of them from some event that they now think back and wonder what was going on in their mind. It got me to thinking about some of my bad moments from the past where I wish I could undo. Fact: I simply cant. BUT it can make for a funny blog about things I defineatly SHOULD'NT do again. ever.

Wrong. all wrong. You could perhaps call me the original "Snooki"- but lets not get too ahead of ourselves. At this time, I was super insecure and having a lot of hair trauma. It was thinning, falling out, not growing...so I thought a big bump on my head would fix it? Uhmmm? It actually just called for much more attention than I wanted from the boys...in a bad way. So yes, its a tender subject- but I've got to that point where I'm okay with it. Sure it looked ridiculous...but I rocked it, and none the less I dont do it anymore. Thank gooooodness.

Not the best picture, but I tried. Do you see those lips shinning in the light? Oh thats cus they were WHITE. All four of us. WHITE lips. Looks as if we dipped our lips in powdered sugar, or just ate a powdered donut. No biggie- cus I thought it looked SMOKIN HOT! No. N-O. I am so down with the nude lip look but the white iced over lips? Good grief Lauren.

Well...there sure is a lot going on on that hat. I remember when the Ed Hardy phase hit, I wanted a shirt so bad and my mom looked at me and was like uhmm...heck no they are ugly. I was so bugged. Now I bless her heart. I think Ed Hardy is theee worst trend to ever hit the Fashion world. Well I actually think any clothing with too much going on is just hideous....but Ed Hardy wins...(next to Affliction and LagunaBeach jeans). But thank goodness Ed Hardy has left my life. Rip. ps...those silver shoes of yours? BUHBYE!

Head to toe. From the undershirt, to the flip flops. All from Abercrombie. YIKES. times 100. I dont even know where to start with this one. Everything I owned was from that awful store. Every single thing. You should have seen me throwing it all out...afterwards I had NOTHING to wear anymore. But thank you Abercrombie, we were basically dating for a while but I am SO glad that we broke up. Best decision I think I have ever made.