Friday, December 12, 2008

zoo one, zoo two.

So I've found my new obsession: the zoo. Yes, the zoo, full of smelly animals and those few annoying children- but its not always like that to be honest.  The other night be and Zach went to see the zoo lights two weekend ago and we were basically the only people in the entire place. It was so fun and I hadnt been in a super duper long time.  So then two days later, I went again. Yep, again. I took Sophie and Parker for the day and once again had a blast. So if your looking for me...I'll most likely be at the zoo.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention: a great post-zoo activity is to dip strawberries. this is Zachs new obsession...were all about new obsessions these days. 
Dipping those strawberries like pro's- Welcome to the Parker family.
Me and Zach at the zoo lights...yes I believe thats a ram or something going for my head.
the zoo the second time around. Sophie looks so cute!
Sophie and Parker on the tigers...or whatever they are. Ps. when I saw those statues when I went with Zach, I thought they were real....(it was dark!!)
Love this picture. Shes just tooooo cute!
My second favorite. I think she looks so old in this picture. Parker was too busy looking at the real animals rather than posing with the fake ones. I dont blame him really.


Ashley C. said...

so i can find you at the zoo huh? perfect. well, thanks for taking my kiddos to the zoo so many times. they loved it. i cant wait for the zoo three post. you sure had some good pics of that. i saved those pics of soph. thanks for taking them. they are cute! we love you!! hurry home.

Adrianne said...

we love the zoo too!! and we love you. I am still thinking of an animal (besides a reindeer) to associate with Annie. I think a Lion would be fun. We will brainstorm and let you know what we come up with! love you!!