Sunday, April 24, 2011


disclaimer: this post says the word "realize" in it more than a normal amount of times. ive "realized" it gets repetitive... but thats why im warning you now- so that you will "realize" that before you start wondering and getting annoyed...yeah.

ive come to realize somethings this past week that i thought i should bring to surface.  perhaps after getting them out- i will fill better and be able to move on. think about something else. ya know.

first realization: it is almost the end of the month. bout a week or so left. and this is my 5th blog post this month.  ive realized that ive been slacking at blogging lately. im the only one who cares- but i realize that i should get a move on it. 

ive realized: that everyone has a word that they just cringe when they hear.  ya know those words that just sound horrible and you dont like to say them? like "moist" or "pus". well i discovered my least favorite word. i dont even know if i can write it because then ill say it out loud in my head and cringe...but here goes...."belly". ya know when people call their stomach that instead? thats just weird. i feel like a "belly" (cringe) is just a funky word to say anyways. maybe ill get over it one day. but as of right now...i dont like it.

as i was watching a show this week, i realized that charmin commercials make NO sense. allow me to explain.  you know the charmin commercials- been around a while now. the little bear gets toilet paper bits stuck to his little fur bum. the momma bear tells him he has left over tp on him and then the commercials proceeds to tell you to buy cha cha cha charmin! hold up. hoold your horses. i dont know about you- but ive never had left over toilet paper bits just chillin.... have you?  has that ever been a problem when deciding what tp to buy? 'oh cant get anything other than charmin because it will break up into little tiny bits and get caugh on my furry bum' what the heck? i dont understand their motive with those commercials. i just really dont. and i dont know why i havent  brought this up in discussion with anyone before now- why has no one questioned that commmercial? i dunno but its weird and makes no logic sense.

ive realized that im in need of a getaway. while everyone else went on spring break- i stayed home. and let me tell ya, i got the traveling bug. so i decided to do something about it.  i planned a last minute vacation and lets just say- i can not WAIT to see the sunshine and have it kiss my pale glowing skin. halle freaking lujah! i realized that sunshine is just the medicine to make the soul happy.

i have realized that i NEED to get a camera cord. or simply- i just want a whole new camera. but for now, i need a cord. because im sick of having zero pictures. its getting verry frustrating. do i just suck up and buy a new usb cord? or keep lookinggggg for my old one and see if it eventually shows up. i know the minute i buy a new one, ill find my old one. just how its works ya know.

ive come to realize that i really miss monday night bachelor.  it was an excuse for me to see all my girfriends once a week and i had something to look forward too as well. lets just say- i cant WAIT for the bachelorette to start.  i dont care how ridic the show is- it is  PURE entertainment.

i realized that ive changed my mind.  remember when i said that i think it would be interesting to be a celeb for a day? i take that back. i watched country strong this past week and i never ever want to be famous.  it looked so awful! her poor life was a mess and although she had fame and fortune- behind the stage and front- she was just a hot mess.  it made me really think how many celebrities live like that? i know they dont all have marriage and drinking problems. but you see how many marriages fail and how many of them go into their crazy party mode and you cant help but feel a little sorry for them. it would not be an easy life to live.  and i really just had a crappy feeling after watching that movie. side note: i loved the music. but i feel like i can hardly listen to the soundtrack without think of the movie in general and then i feel crappy just grateful that i dont live that lifestyle.

and last but not least- ive realized that i have life soo good. i really do have so so much to be grateful for. life isnt easy- being happy 24/7 is not easy, but once i put things into perspective i realize that i have been given so much and have ooddles and mounds to be thankful for. im a blessssssed girl indeed.

1 comment:

Shawnee said...

totalllly agree on the Country Strong thing. i love love that movie, but it's just so sad. heartbreaking for those two. i would probably go crazy too! the music is amazinggg though!