Friday, November 28, 2008


So I've been quite the blogging slacker...again. School has been the super busy, probably busier than I have been the whole year.  So I guess that is my reason as to why I am so behind in the blogging world.  I will try to be more up to date from now on, since my scheduale should be pretty easy until finals. So the past month has been busy like I said, and this past week I've had THEE worst luck in the world.  I know complaining isnt really the most mature thing to do, but sometimes it's all that comes out.  So first of all, I had a huge photo assignment due. I had about 70 pictures that I needed to take in a week for my portfolio. So I took them and then when developing them- i come to find out that NONE, must i repeat, NONE of them worked. So I got the lucky oppurtunity of redoing the ENTIRE assignment, in a weekend. And then to my luck again, one whole role, which is about 35 pictures, got ruined. I learned my lesson- PHOTO IS NOT MY CALLING IN LIFE. I will never take a class again.  Ill just stick to my digital camera and taking pictures of just regular day to day things haha.  On the other hand, I had a flight home last friday and of course, in my bad luck streak- it was a flight going to st. george. problem! i was in st. george already, and needed to go to salt lake. (luckily i found a flight the next morning) But when i got in town, I had to get my hair extentions fixed...and of course that didnt work so well, i had to take them ALL out. yikes. back to short hair for a week. Which was not my first choice but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do right. So anyways my luck wasnt at it peak.  although when i did get home, Zach filled me in that I missed a very good talk in church about being grateful- and not only being grateful for your blessing, but for your trails as well. I guess I should have been there because it was probably just what I needed to hear.  So during this Thanksgiving season- I am grateful for all the obvious things that I have, all my blessings and all the things that make me happy, but especially during this time, I am grateful for my trails.  I've learned they only make me stronger and I learn from the situation.  Zach also told me something i wont forget, you cant go through life without having a couple bad days, because then you couldnt be grateful for the good days.

I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving :]

the boys flag football team lost in the playoff so we made them cupcakes...they ate them all in about 5 minutes flat.
we find some kind of enjoyment in just about everything... haha
me and zachary had our two year on november 12! sooo crazy
haha one night we did makeovers- its too bad zach actually really looks good...
in the process of my masterpiece...its a miracle that he let me do this
zach owsley was megans victim....haha he looks super happy
finished project! Going for the blue steel look
a little visit from our BYU friend Hillary!
Yes, we did go to the midnight showing of twilight....
hah our new favorite restaurant...just because of this cool mexican man
had to put this one up here- cus of kates face hahaha. the best part about coming home is seeing my fam!


Adrianne said...

well I am glad that in all your bad luck that I got to see you and hang out a little bit! I agree with Zach that sometimes you got to have a bad day in contrast to all of the wonderful ones you are having!!

Sorry about all of the photos. What a bummer to hear that the second round didn't turn out either. I agree stick to digital- it is sooooo much better!

And I can hardly believe those boys let you do makeovers. They must really like you. Dan will hardly let me pluck a stray eyebrow!

love you!!

Courtney said...

First off, the best part about coming home is definitely family...I love us! Nicki, A, Ash, Me, You, would just not be complete without my sisters!

Scott and I just celebrated our 2 year anniversary too! Nov. 3! We are twinners!

Zach- you look so pretty! Thanks for hanging out with us. Let do it again soon!

Modie- keep up the posts...I love seeing what you are doing and I know you take thousands of pictures, so keep posting!

Ashley C. said...

ok so i know that i told you to post and now it has taken me this long to comment. i am sorry! i am also sorry for your crappy week. i do like zach's advice though. good work zach.
good luck with finals and everything. and thanks for staying a couple extra days even though i didnt have my baby! i love you.
hopefully we will talk soon. keep up the posting. it is fun to see how you are doing. hope to see you soon.

Courtney said...

Okay I am ready for more new pictures!
Good luck with finals....I guess I won't be seeing you until the new year! (cause you get home after I leave)
so... I love you!
Good Luck on Finals!
Drive Safe!
Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!