Monday, March 21, 2011

day fifteen.

Last day of my 15 day challenge! first off. serious thanks to the people who commented and gave me ideas of little food combos to try- im going to try them all! seriously! so thanks. and if you think of more- feel free to share :)

Day 15: five good things about yourself. And five bad.

so do i get the bad part over with first or what? i think ill start with the bad so that i can try to redeem myself with the good afterwards.

5 not so good things about lauren.

1. i am NOT so patient. 
to be honest its something i really struggle with. sometimes i have to remember that the time clock isnt revolving around me and my scheduale. i have to bend and compromise a lot in this area and it is noooot easy.  i dont know if its because im the baby of the fam so i never had younger sibilings i had to be patient with or what. im slowly getting better- but im still below average.

2. i get offended easily.
i really try not to- i do i do. but sometimes just a small joke or someone teasing me can go too far and i break down inside. while some people can brush off anything- i cant. i wish i could be one of those people who say, i dont care if they said something about me. maybe this is because i have no brothers- but teasing (with truth to it) can actually really hurt my feelings. i get over it- but in the moment im weak and its def something im trying to be stronger about.

3. i get grumpy when im hungry.
and me grumpy? blah. if my blood sugar gets low- give me food or ill bite someones head off. k no, im not that crazy- but i feel that crazy inside! and when im super hungry- nothing sounds good. really? like why do i become so difficult? then the minute i have food back in me, im laughing and being obnoxious and talking a million miles an hour. bipolor.

4. i compare myself.
yep i do. i like myself- i think im great. but its hard with stupid facebook and stuff these days not to sit and be like, ohh her hair!dang her teeth are magnificant! she has the cutest clothesss ever!  and so on and so forth. its not that im not happy with who i am, i just think its human nature for girls to envy each other at times. and to the girls who never get jealous- teach me how to do it.

5. i cut it close.
all my friends can verify this one for me. im not the most punctual. but i will say this-  im not always late- cus really im not. im just not the person who is there 5-10 minutes early. sometimes im just there RIGHT on time. but this is a very stressful thing- because instead of coming in and driving over all nice, im running and speeding and hair is blowing in my face and im a mess. really? i should just wake up 10 minutes earlier? but that snooze button is magnificant....

whew! i felt like i just exposed myself to the world. yikes.

moving on.

5 good things about me.

1. i have a good heart.
i like to tell myself that i truly care about people. and for me its most obviously seen through the less fortunate. the blind, the homeless,the handicap, the extremely overweight, the crippled- it completely melts my heart. it makes me want to do everything i can to help. it would be my dream to help people or start some sort of relief fund/organization for these people who need extra love.

2. i make a special effort to be involved in all of my families life's.
having 5 sisters can be intense. we are all so different and in different stages of our life- but i realize how much of a blessing that is. i made it a goal about a year ago to have a relationship of my own with each of them and be really good friends. i hardly ever fight with my sisters anymore and i can honestly say that i stand on great terms with all of them and they are all some of my very closest friends. including my parents. i love them both equally and think they are both in my life to teach me important, yet different life lessons.

3. im a generally happy person.
there is people every where who just cant handle happy people. like my favorite mentor, Winn Claybaugh, has said- some people just dont like happy people. and thats just fine- because i cant please everyone. im pretty good at being happy, especially when im around a group of people. and when i am feeling a little down, ive gotten pretty good about out weighing those feelings with good ones.

4. i have no problem with making more/new friends.
although there are times when i get very intimdated- i really am open to being friends with just about anyone.  i feel like i get along with more people than not. we might not become the best of friends- but i really have no problem with at least giving people a chance.  

5. if i say it- i mean it.
and i mean this is the best way possible. if i give someone a compliment or tell them something kind- it always comes from my heart. i believe in complimenting others and if i say that i like your outfit, or that you look super cute that night- i dang well mean it with every fiber of my being.  i never lie a compliment-if it isnt serious and sincere then i would rather just not have heard it.  so iv made sure to be very honest and sincere about complimenting others.

not gonna lie. that was probably one for the hardest posts ive done. of course i could think of lots of weak things about myself- but its embarrasing to share. and the strengths are hard to mutter out because we are taught by society that saying good things about yourself is a sign of pride or cockiness- but i think everyone should give themselves a little praise every now and again. even if it is super hard to admit and share to the world. (theres always a regular journal to write those things in, incase you arent ready for the cyber world journal yet).  well there ya have it, those are the little things that make me ME. and that is by far my most honest and vulnerable post yet.


Courtney said...

Thank you for making the effort to be my friend! I love you and love the relationship we have! I think our weakness and strengths are what make is unique!

Shawnee said...

Whoa, I could say the same exact things about your 'bad' things! As I kept reading, I was like..'whoa..' haha

Ashley C. said...

I looooooove you sooooo much!! sylvia & ruth forever.