Sunday, March 27, 2011


by far the weirdest/more interesting shows are on TLC. from hoarders to toddlers and tiaras and EVVVERYTHING in between, there are some crrrazy shows. and really they suck you in like your under a spell. you could waste hours sitting there watching people eat strange things and 3 year olds get spray on tans. my thought is- where does TLC find these people? really. do these people know they have a 'strange addiction' and so they apply? does their neighbor suggest them? why would you want people to know you eat glass? or that you need an intervention? i always wonder how people end up on strange shows like that.  there are even weirderrrr shows that i dont know how people get on, or want to be on- like wife swap? anywho! the diversity you see in people from watching TLC shows can be mind boggling. the show that has seriously drawn me in the most is that new coupon show, Extreme Couponing!

let me tell you- these ladies (mostly ladies...and their poor husbands) are obsessed with collecting coupons or aka "couponing". they spend hours a day online, looking through the paper, digging in the recycle bins, etc- collection TONS of coupons. then- on their shopping day, they get allll ready for a long day at the grocery store.  they fill carts FULLL of food. like hundreds of butterfingers, pastas, sauces, cereals. and like i mean hundreds. not just 24. like 412 boxes of pasta. this one couple filled up NINE shopping carts chuck full of food.  then they head to the cashier. (let me just say that if i was that cashier i would probably quit right then and there)  the checkout process lasts over and hour...sometimes up to THREE hours JUST checking out food. their totals go anywhere from 200-900 dollars of groceries. they then scan the coupons....and BAM! 200 dollars worth just turned into 3 bucks. 900 dollars into 34 bucks.  they walk out of the store with HUNDREDS of dollars worth of food for free.

i sat there in awe. like dang that is freaking smart and they get way good deals, but hello- thats all these people care about! they spend their entireeee days planning for their shopping trip. and really- who is gonna eat 400 boxes of pasta? some of the crazy couponers let their neighbors come get food from their storage if they are struggling- which i thought was super nice. buuuut its just straight crazziness all together. yet- i cant help but stare and keep watching :) another problem is they can only buy stuff that they have a coupon if you want to get a box of blueberries.

anywho, although the show is a little ridic- it is super entertaining.  it really boggles my mind how many intense crazy people there are in the world. it makes life so much more interesting- yet it makes me happy that im not wasting my life away couponing- but geeze they are getting one heck of a deal!!


Annika said...

I guess it's a good way to immediately establish some legit food storage. Might need another house.

My greatest regret is that my apartment has no cable and I can never find TLC shows online.
Especially what not to wear. Judge me.

Courtney said...

I am all about a good deal, but extreme couponing is a little too EXTREME for me!

Madi Bringhurst said...

umm.. confession.. that show made me want to be an extreme coupon person?? hahaha I loved it! -Definitely wouldn't take it to that extreme though! SIX HOURS A DAY planning?? Lauren, I love you! I can just hear your voice when I read your blog! haha So cute.