Saturday, September 6, 2008

as miley cyrus would say...GNO

Everyone knows that when you dont have school on monday - you have to take FULL advantage of sunday night. And so we did just that. Early in the week, my roomate Jessica came up with the idea to build a fort in our family room, bring in all the matresses and having a slumber party. All in favor say I, "I!!!" So it had been a rough day- sundays are always the hardest because we all miss home and having good dinners. So we decided to make banana splits and have a slumber. Then I came up with this great idea to put pig tails in our hair, and put on our dixie shirts..and war paint hahahaa. Typical nerds. So we got all dresssed up, pulled on the matresses into the front room, danced to loud music, made banana splits, and then visited every apartment we knew people from. It was a classic slumber party and quite nerdy- but it was SOO so fun! To prove my point....

eating our banana splits... i think i got  a little too excited?
jumping on our matresses...everyones mid jump hahaha

so either i hit my face and broke all my teeth, or i just got chocolate all over them. either one, but personally i think it looks hot- its the new trend.
just us taking a nerdy picture. we are good at those
i didnt mean to look so serious but im just showing off my source of drink that i live off of. flavored sparking water. i am OBSESSED
the girls making some boomb banana splits :]
mine and sophies amazing masterpieces. haha mines the left. i only at half i think.
haha mmmmm. eating my delish banana split
going for a ride on sophies back and to steal otter pops from the boys

this house was weird...but this fish tank was awwwesome haha i just HAD to take a picture by it hahah

more posts to come :] im a week behind!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

MMMM...your banana splits looked like banana soup! Looks like a fun slumber!