this last thursday was the big dayyy! i turned 19. so bascially i have one more year as a teen and it seeems like im growing up too fast. i dont know if im actually "growing up", im just getting older. too fast! but i had a pretty good day, even though i was away from home. i went to school, went out to brunch with my friend caitlyn (and then stopped at taco bell AFTER, because i was craving a burrito- you can do that on your birthday i swear!) went BACK to school...then came home and got ready and went out to dinner with everyone, went to the boys flag football game, and then studied. and in between all that i was laughing or smiling or taking pictures. it was fun day and i was so grateful for my friend and zach for turning my week around and really trying to make my day special! and then on friday- my mom, nicole, and ashley all came down to visit! it was so much fun to spend time with them. we went shopping and got pedicures- and of course ate some good food! OH AND DONT FORGET- we went to go see HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3. and we LOOOOVED it! megan and caitlyn came along as well and it was the highlight of my week. haha its so nerdy and cheesy but since i knew a few people in the movie it was fun to look for them. and plus zac efron looked good....REAL good. after they left that night i just hung out with the usual. me, caitlyn, zach, and zach owsley all decided we felt like buying a board game because our plans to go to the haunted corn maze fell through and so we went to walmart- and ended up spending a whole hour there. haha we tried out nerdy costumes and laughed our heads off. it was so much fun even though we were being so dumb. then we came back and popped pop corn, ate cake and played clue! haha it was fun for a change to do something different and it was the perfect way to end my week.
thank you every body who contributed into making my birthday a good one!!
and keep sophie in your prayers! thannnnnks :]

we spent an hour taking nerdy pictures on my computer...haha

its got a little out of hand...half of them are of us laughing
my wonderful surprise on my bed :] thank you zachary!!
hubba bubba blows the best bubbles we discovered
this little kid was walking around at the flag football game and i fell in love!!
just about to go to dinner...had to take a nerdy pic
out to dinner!!
dinnnnnner :]
the plumber fat suits that we found at walmart. i was in tears
too greatttt
i swear walmart is the greatest place on earth
i really lost it when i saw these...i couldnt stop laughing...
birthday girl service...
our amazing game of clue!!
(zach won)....heee would.
Awsome costumes!
I love the shoes from Zach!
I can't believe you are 19!!
Can't wait to hang out with you again!!
(court....sorry i am logged in a scott!)
okay- you better go back and buy those adam and eve costumes b/c those are hilarious!!!! i cannot stop laughing. ha ha ha.
so fun to see you and hang out with you. you are darling and yes- growing up too fast! but it is also so fun! thanks for sitting by me at hsm3 and dont forget..
i love you leopard.
Are those shoes real? or are they candy, like the yelow marshmellow peanut things? I cant tell. They could be blow ups? Like balloons?
Just kidding. They look cool. I want a car that color. with two seats. The seats will be brown. But that would be a great outside color. Maybe you and Zach could borrow it. they would match. Love Dad.
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