Monday, April 27, 2009


everybody's doin it...

dear one L,
you have been the best apartment. your looking a little bare and its not the same.  i will cry when we depart.

dear megans birthday cupcakes,
you have been my lunch, breakfast and lunch....thanks for providing me with such a healthy meal while i have no groceries.

dear 90210, 
i seriously am going to miss you tmrw night...i guess ill watch you online

dear jiffylube workers,
you made my day.  thanks for being such troopers and making me feel safe.

dear laundry,
go do yourself...i dont have time today and tmrw i leave for california. i need clean clothes asap so get on that.

dear sociology 1010,
if i could spend the rest of my life in a classroom, it would be yours. i will truly miss that class....not even kidding

dear sophie,
we finish eachothers sentences, your not in my room right now and its not the same.

dear 25 main,
i will come in for a cupcake every time i come back to st. george

dear smart water,
you being 1 liter is the best invention

dear wardrobe,
your kinda last season....

dear finals,
you are the worst invention....

dear disneyland,
see you wednesday. you are truly the very BEST invention. if i could marry you i would!!

dear sprinkles cupcakes,
save me a red velvet

dear family,
i cant wait to see you

dear nicole,
canada better be good to you. i will miss you dearly

dear stomach,
stop grumbling- blame the cupcakes

dear blog,
its sure good to be back!


Ashley C. said...

dear modie-
i wish you knew just how much i loved you. it is soooooo much!!!! always have.. always will.

glad to have you back in the blogging world. dont be so long next time. it makes my day!!

i am so happy you are moving home! i cant wait. i am also so jealous you are going to dland. maybe my favorite place!

and 25 main..yep, that place is tasty. i love their paninis. mmmm.

my wardrobe is so five years ago if it makes you feel any better.

finals are the worst!! almost done though.

I love you!!! be safe and hurry home!


sophie weichers said...

depressing. but oh how i love you my twin.
p.s dont worry.. ill be in your room shortly.
DL here we come!!


Adrianne said...

haha! I was just thinking of writing a dear post too!!

sophie weichers said...

sociology is my fav. i already miss it. so glad me and you shared that class together this semester. i have never laughed harder.

john said...

dear modie,
excited to have you back.
dear blog of modie,
same to you.

Courtney said...

Dear Lauren,
Come home soon!

Dear Disneyland,
I hope you were amazing to my sister. (she loves know!)

Dear Zach,
Hi! We think you should come over and meet our doggie!

Mushie said...

So proud of you and your stellar efforts this past year! Can't wait for you to be home...A will have to teach you how to make her killer "walnut Shrimp" YUm!