Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Confessions of a night owl

Let's be honest. I "tried" to go to bed early...and I laid there and after about 40 minutes I was over it. I found myself eating a bowl of cereal and watching E! But I'm not surprised. It's not that I have insomnia- I just have this thing for night time. I get my second wind and there is something so calming about everyone else being asleep. It's like the world is on pause. The only problem to this is the next morning. Because life doesn't go on pause, so while everyone else was getting sleep- I was wide awake. And the next morning- i feel it. Ad I usually regret it. I wish I could sleep in all morning lon- but then have it be 8 when I wake up so that I sill had the whole entire day. Buuut wait it doesn't work that way. Although I regret it the next morning- I do it all over the next night. Why am I so addicted to this terrible sleeping habit? When am I gonna figure out that life would be much easier if I didn't go to bed so late?? It honestly is like a civil war within my self. One day I will figure it out. And when I do- I'll let you know. Until then, night owl status xoxo.


Ashley C. said...

I hear you!!!!!!

love you!

Courtney said...

I am still waiting for that need to stay up late feeling to go away!