Monday, November 23, 2009

in the spirit of giving thanks.

i know its a couple days after thanksgiving but i decided we should always be grateful- not just on thanksgiving itself.

so the other night at dinner my mom, dad, naomi and I all talked about being grateful & how to have a grateful heart. It sparked my thoughts and so I decided i would make a list (in no specific order) of some things I am grateful for at the moment (i certainly couldn't name EVERYTHING, so its all randoms):

my parents. && family

35 years of marriage and these two are still madly in love. what an inspiration. my sisters are my best friends and i couldnt ask for better examples in my life. not to mention they have brought along WONDERFUL husbands and the cutest kids i have ever seen! ohh i how i love them all :]


it helps that he is super cute but thats not the reason why i am grateful for him. I am grateful for zach because of the person he makes me want to be. i love the way i feel when he is around and i am always so amazed at his positive and gracious attitude. he is a hard worker and is so respectful and kind to everyone he meets. he is an amazing example to me and i personally think i am the luckiest girl :]

fudge shoppes.

whoevers idea it was to make a mock "thin mint" girl scout cookie was genius. i munch on these babies ALL. DAY. LONG.


what a remarkable book, written by an even more remarkable and amazing man! i had the most wonderful oppurtunity to meet him a couple weeks ago and it was so great to hear his inspiration. How refreshing it is to hear someone speak about being NICE in a world where being nice is becoming more and more forgotten.


especially new cds that have come out! i am loving the new john mayer, onerepublic, rihanna, switchfoot, norah jones, even the susan boyle cd.... ah i love it all!


call me crazy- but looking at taylor lautner for 2 and half hours is def no sacrifice! & thats totally fine if bella chooses edward, that just means i can have jacob!

my eyesight.

the other night i had the oppurtunity to meet Sabrina. i dont know this girl. i dont know anything about her to be quite honest., but she changed my life. i can't think about her without a tender heart or starting to cry. last night as me and zach were walking over to my brother in law's mom's concert we saw a girl, about 20 or so, looking very lost in front of the big catherdral where it was held. She had a walking stick with her and immediatly it hit me that she was blind. She heard us coming and as she was roaming through the garden area she asked me and zach if we were going to the concert and i told her yes and she asked if she could follow us in because she couldnt find the door to get in. to say the least, my heart was overwhelmed. we helped her inside and up the stairs and into the concert. As i took a seat, i just began to cry uncontrollably. it hit me so clear that i was so blessed to be able to see. i take it for granted and i think everyone does. i imagined myself in a dark world, just as sabrina was, where all the regular things i see everyday would be no longer existent. my heart was full of love for this girl and the blessing i have to be able to open my eyes every morning and see around me.

my new scentsy.

yes im being dead serious too. my mom got one too and i have wanted one for soooo long. i love when home actually smells like home. our apartment needs a "home" smell to it and im so excited to set it up in my apartment when i go back to provo!


i couldnt name them all seperate or else this blog would go on forever. how i am ever so grateful for amazing girls who have stood by me thru everything. i have the most amazing bunch who has really showed me what true friends are and amazing ones who have just barely entered my life have already made such an impact. i appreciate their examples to me and their constant love.

thanksgiving dinner.

we take it for granted. we take the company, the food, the place to eat all for granted. yesterday my mom, dad, naomi, myself and my aunts family were able to go down to the Greek Orthodox church and serve thanksgiving dinner to those who simply coudnt afford dinner, didnt have a place to go, or lived on the streets. what a humbling experience. how easy it is for us to celebrate such a day- when others simply can't. it made me realize how grateful i am for EVERYTHING i have and i honestly have nothing to complain about.

Being grateful is as easy as you want it to be- it is simply a choice. that night we sat around the table and talked, we also discussed that its super easy to dwell on the negative. its easy to get upset about the little things, or complain because your having a bad hair day or something completely silly like that. but in the grand scope of things- it could always be worse and we are SO blessed for what we do have. one of my favorite quotes says
happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.
i think it is SO true! i am so grateful for a holiday that reminds us to be thankful :]


Nickposh said...

Wow! You are so wise and I loved reading what you are grateful for right now. I am so grateful for my family and friends this year- as I was reminded that Thanksgiving is about who you are with, not the meal- even though I did cook a delicious turkey. Love and miss you! And see you in a few weeks!!

Courtney said...

I too am grateful for you! Thanks for believing in me and for getting excited about things with me! You are a fantastic sister and friend and I love you!!

Adrianne said...

thanks for the inspiration! you are as beautiful on the inside as you are on the out!

Mushie said...

Thanks for simply being you...with your beautiful and tender heart!
Thanksgiving was extra special this year with so so much to be grateful for. Thank you for reminding me of all we have and for sharing in the memories.

Ashley C. said...

Oh how I love love love you ! You are so beautiful inside and out! Thanks for all those reminders and what blessed people we are to have so much! I am so grateful for YOU!!!

love you.

ps. still want to borrow that book....