today when I was driving I came to an realization. NOTHING, and I repeat NOTHING is better than a line up of green lights! Honestly whats better when driving?! I dont know about you but I seriously get so bothered when the light turns green and so I press the gas to get going but before I even reach 20 mph the next light is red. So I hit the brakes and it's like stop and go the whole way home. But NOT today!! NOPE! Cus folks, luck was on my side...I went through 5 green lights in a row. Its like I cut my 15 minute drive home into a 9 minute one. No lie, those red lights can take up precious minutes.
Today I am grateful for green. Because GREEN means GO. Go out there and make a difference, follow your dreams, whatever it may be- nothing can hold you back when the light is green. And plus its sorta groovy (nice word choice) that today is in fact earth day. And what better color is there to represent the earth but green! And last but not least, I did a color service last saturday on my client Megan. Last time we added a lot of red into her hair, but this time she wanted something new- take out the red. And for those of you that know, on the other side of the color wheel from red is GREEN. To eliminate the red in her hair we needed to add some green into the mix. We did just that- secretly freaking out slash praying in my mind the entire time that it would work out- and it did just what it was supposed to! It eliminated the red and turned out to be a perfect warm yet deep chocolate brown. Needless to say- green saved me.
happy earth day. i said that with a alien voice.
i like you. & i like how we always manage to be the only ones home... sounds like we have a life. ya? no.
gooooo getttaaa. remember how i like that song?
yay for green lights, hair, and things.
and yay for earth day and you!!!
love you.
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