Monday, May 10, 2010

some randoms

Lately I suck at blogging. I don't even know why but its like I don't know what to narrow down my thoughts too. Its like I'm out of my element. Cant seem to find what it is. But lately I've noticed I lack motivation. That's something to be proud of huh? Yeah I thought the same thing. Perhaps I should explain myself. This past Sunday...a week ago from yesterday actually...I had to go to UNI- the branch up at the U for patients who are having mental problems. Anywho I didn't want to go..just the truth, I didn't. BUT I did. And afterwards- I was happy I went. This sort of thing happens to me frequently. I wont want to do something UNTIL I am doing it or after. The motivation lacks in the decision process which could be a problem...and it is at times..but I always have to remind myself to just do it (as Nike would put it) and I wont regret it. It happens with the gym, with showering, getting a client at school, cleaning my room, you name it. Like whats wrong with me? My Dad says this happens to him a lot too so maybe I'm not alone. Maybe that's just the way life is, but I feel like I'm never going to get anything done. Like showering? People should want to shower...yeah i do...sometimes...but I feel like its a task..mainly cus it is. A debacle really. Anywho I haven't been wanting to blog...mainly cus I believe no one reads this, but I figured if I mustered up the motivation then I would thank myself later. We will see if it works ya know.

& since there seems to be a lot on my mind, heres my thought of the day: who invented the colored tips for fake nails? who decided they should be a fad? did i miss something or am i the only person who thinks that is the nastiest? colored tips= n.o.

my personal fav. the modeling is beautiful too.

Thank heavens for Angry Birds...the iphone app. it has become my new way to pass time....or waste it im not sure which one yet. but it really is the most addicting thing in the world.  Am I 20 years old or 5? Im not sure because at the rate Im going with nerdy iphone apps I could pass as a young child.  Its like almost sad that I dont care either, cus I tell everyone they should play it.  So heres your chance. great $1 purchase that you wont regret.

I forgot about this for a little minute... how? im not sure cus its great entertainment.  I highly enjoy my friends for reasons such as these.  ps. we were at payson highschool doing hair at lunch..this was BEFORE we discovered lice in one of the girls hair. grosss gross. nasty. sick. ew. 
i felt things crawling on me all day.  in my mind mostly. but really.

and im my spare time ive been designing my future home. not really but i pretend. its coming along beautifully.



Nickposh said...

I love you! Thanks for sharing your random thoughts :)

Ashley C. said...

lovely randoms. I think we all lack motivation is some areas of our lives... its just the way it is. :)

im proud of you and all you are accomplishing though..

love the house pics.

love you!!

Kylee said...

Lauren! I read your blog! Keep smilin girl!

Robyn Palmer said...

psh look how many comments you have and you just posted. I looove reading your blog! And i love you! Geesh it's been too long.

susan said...

Hey, cute Lauren,
I read your blog from time to time and think you are the best. I haven't seen you for a long time and miss you. Now we need to get Robyn to start blogging again. Love your great thoughts!