Monday, September 20, 2010

just putting it out there.

ive been wanting to post about his for a while. to confess a true love of mine. everyone has a celeb crush right? well most people. but i have a different sort of celeb crush...
dont take this the wrong way-but im in love with Kingston Rossdale. He's 4 years old. nooooot a big deal right? he is justTOOadoarble. he has a wardrobe that blows every other kids out of the water, his hair is perfect in my standards, and his face is so cute i wanna squish his cheeks and give him a huge kiss! basically i want him for my own. like i will pay gwen and gavin to let me adopt him. call it weird- but he is just THEE cutest thing in the entire universe.

any other kid wearing this would look ridiculous- good thing his cute face cancels out all other questions.

runner up :
levi mcconaughey. it should be illegal to be this cute.


chloee said...

im obsessed with you!

. said...

Seriously SO cute!!! I agree :)

Ashley C. said...

so cute!!