Monday, February 9, 2009

the random 25

25 random things you may or may not know about me :]

i did this silly tag for facebook but i thought it was pretty fun and i decided to just do it anyway. enjoy!

1. i say my name "lawr-in" while the rest of the world calls me "lor-en". it doenst bother me, but if you ask me which one i prefer i will tell you lawr-in

2. i usually only like my nails painted dark colors: brown, dark purp, etc...

3. in one year i have gone through 3 iPhones..

4. i love to eat spoonfuls of rainbow chip frosting :]

5. every time i go grocery shopping i buy a new carton of nutella

6. ive spent my past four christmases in mexico doing a service project and i probably will continue going there every christmas from now on

7. if i had to live off one meal for the rest of my life, i would choose walnut shrimp from Asian star. hands down.

8. im sensitive and emotional but i take it as a strength rather than a weakness

9. my family are my best friends.

10. i only wear my hair straight on the days when i go get my hair done

11. i spray the crap out of my perfumes- i cant get enough of them haha

12. im obsessed with Adriana on 90210.

13. i used to think Twilight was the weeeeirdest thing ever- until i finally read it and i realized what the hype was all about. and now im obsessed

14. my biggest pet peeve is when people dont pull over on the side of the road for a fire truck of what gives you the permission to not have to pull over but everyone else does?

15. ill eat anything- or at least try it once.

16. i am obsessed with Simply Lemonade with ice cubes. mmm

17. ive been in a relationship for 2 years plus a few months and its been a huge eye opener to me and has helped me realize a lot about myself.

18. Just Married is my ultimate favorite movie

19. i get reeeeeaaaally excited over small things.

20. when i love something, i REALLY love it.

21. i am obsessed with my dog, literally obsessed.

22. i am hoping to go to esthetician school next semester- thats my goal.

23. twenty three is my faaaavorite number!

24. i prefer slow, chill music of hyper, dance, or rap music anyday.

25. im a happy person- i try to stay positive and bring a good atmosphere with me wherever i go.


Ashley C. said...

yippe. i love being first. i am so happy you posted this. it was so fun to read. you are so cute. i miss you.
just married is my ultimate fav as well.
and my family is my best friends too.
i really really really miss you. and you do bring a good atmosphere with you. we miss it around here.
sure love you.

Adrianne said...

well ash I guess there are advantages to being awake at all hours of the night! hehehe!!

Lawr-in, love the favorites and I love that when you LOVE something you are passionate aboout it! and all of these things are what we love about you!! miss you lots! hope to see you soon! love A

Unknown said...

Scott read these to me as a was pretty fun! I was impressed not by how many I knew they answer to but how many of my guesses were way off!!

Courtney said...

Sorry that was me....not the school of dance....I am a little slow!