Thursday, March 31, 2011

3 thoughts.

thought 1.

With b spears new cd coming out it's made me think a little about her crazy life. One of my favorite websites did the honor of showing the two sides of brit that we are spectators see- the glammed version that took a team to beautify ms spears and the style craving white trash train wreck. Brits def not known for her amazing style- cus girl don't got any. I still love her, I just can't imagine not having a stylist if I was that rich. Anywho- I love Brit, but the poor girl has had one crazy life. I remember being in high school when she was going down the toilet drain thinking she was going to commit suicide of die of an overdosed before I turned 20. Luckily she changed her ways- from what we know...and things are starting to look up again.

Lots of celebs that have grown up in the limelight have seriously struggled. Drugs, crazy outbursts- you know the drill. Lindsay lohan, Miley, britt, xtina,  mk olsen, Michael on and so forth (maybe everyone except hil duff?) . With a few exceptions- they all, at some point of their life, have made an extremely wild turn. I honestly feel bad for them- because I can't imagine how hard it would be to be in their shoes. To have everyone stalk your life, write about you in every magazine and analyze your decisions would be hard hard hard! anyways- my main thought was that i really hope none of this crazyness happens to justin biebs. i really sincerely think that. i worry about him. and i just really hope and pray that the lifestyle of a celeb doesnt ruin him. it would be so sad to see him grow up and turn into chris breezy who beats his gorgeous gf or kanye whose head is to big for this earth.  ya know? like i just hope he stays grounded and doesnt let this all get to his head.  im not saying i want him to stay perfectly squeeky clean but id like to imagine him staying pretty norm norm.

ps. if he asked me out on date, id say yes. and we would hold hands.

thought 2.

ive got the worst most severe case of the sweet tooth. after evvvverything i eat- must be followed up with a treat. brownies, cookies, marsh mellows, cadburry eggs, lindors, sour watermelons. yeah those are all at my house. that doesnt help. my main problem is that i cannont eat a meal or even snack for heavens sake, without a follow up treat. and its just so convenient that their is candy just laying around every corner of my house and in my purse and every where i turn. today i had a twinkie. ill just end this thought with that right there. a twinkie. enough said. moving on...

thought 3.

once upon a time i used to not like the bath. k well i liked it, but i didnt LOVE it. and to be honest i took one like verrry rarely. this past december i got so so sick for like over a week and everyday to make myself feel better i would get into the bath.  multiple times a day. it was like medicine and for some reason it made climbing into bed so much better and relaxing.   well once i  got better- the baths didnt stop.  ever since then ive taken a bath almost every single day. sometimes twice a day. i get in the mornings, at night, in the middle of the day. whenever i want. especially if im cold. and this is the weird thing- i dont even get in for very long.  just like 15 minutes and im out. but im literally addicted and i crave them. zach has always told me he loved the bath and to be honest i was like- k weirdo just shower! but now i know! now i know that they are addicting and so soothing.  and sometimes i fill it with bubbles galore just like the movies.  my next step is a million candles PLUS the bubbles..and a magazine. to be JUST like the movies. i just got to learn how to enjoy putting my shoulders under the water- im not there yet. its too claustrophobic.

alrightie thats it.


Karen said...

I crave sweets so much lately. Not only after meals and snacks but basically all the time. Every time I'm at the store I end up buying anything sweet. I love that I can relate to some stuff you say. You really are so awesome! Thanks for posting!

Adrianne said...

I would be happy if there was always choc chip cookies at my house. today as I was leaving for work- I reminded Dan to please put them in a bag when they cooled so I could have them for lunch tomorrow!

aaaaaaand! I love the ofuro bath at the Kura Door. a-maz-ing!

Courtney said...

A few thoughts....
brittney spears music- definitely a guilty pleasure
a twinkie- you must have been desperate
a bath- my favorite place to read or listen to a podcast of This American Life
the Ofuro bath at the Kura Door- a luxury that must be experienced

Madi Bringhurst said...

hahahaha I laughed so hard at the twinkie! I can totally relate to the treats, especially with chocolate. I can't say I like baths one bit though! too hot and too constant. love your blog girl. you are too funny.