Monday, March 21, 2011


today was a fine day. just a fine day indeed.

sometimes i get in weird funks or ruts when im just not that motivated. this past week being one of those times. let me elaborate, if you will.

im one of those people who remembers all their dreams. okay saying ALL might be stretching the truth- but more than 60 percent of the time, i wake up and remember my dream. i realize its quite rare, because everyone i talk to seems to remember their dreams like once in a million. not me. i remember them- and if they are weird or scary or what have you, i wake up and feel weird.  have you ever had a dream where someone did something terrible to you and you wake up pissed off at them? well my dream the other day was something of the sort. it had made me feel so rotten inside that i seriously had the hardest time getting myself going that day. all i could think about was my awful dream.  so right then and there i knew i needed to make a couple changes in my life.

i needed to make changes because i knew right then and there that if i had something to take my mind off of it that day, then i would be better. but i didnt have anything to motivate me. so i took a bath and thought of it some more. change change change. i needed a change.  so yesterday i decided i need to give my life a little makeover. i needed to set some goals and have something to look forward to every single day to make me more MOTIVATED.  so i decided to begin a work out plan. i woke up- put on some work out clothes, and headed to the family room and turned on a 3 month work out video. i worked out for a little over an hour and i was in the best mood! i just wanted to do more and more. in highschool when i did cheer and dance- i was exercising everyday. but once i graduated i just became sort of lazy. i would go to the gym every now and again- but sometimes the gym in provo can feel like a dating pool and that was the last reason i went to the gym. so this new workout video is just what i needed!

ive also decided that i need to make other small changes in my life. such as not reading a million blogs before bed- because it just makes my mind stir and then i dont sleep well. ive realized that the smallest changes are going to make the biggest differences. just an hour everyday of exercising with my homegirl chalean is already making me feel happier!

i know this is super random- because it is. but im just grateful to know how much power and control i have over my happiness. no im not on a trip for spring break, no im not somewhere tropical getting a tan- but im here at home and making the best of what ive got.  there are so many times when i get frustrated and sad and feel like i have nothing to do with my days- but i can fix that. i can make my days for all that they are worth. i have complete control over making my life enjoyable even in the darkest of times.

this next week is spring break for zach- and we have decided to make it fun fun fun, even if we are just staying here. we are going to soak up slc for all that its worth. if anyone has any ideas of fun things to do in the good old 801- shout them out. we are going to make this a very enjoyable "staycation"  :)

happy days to all of you. :)


Tiffany Prince said...

I seriously was going to write about my dreams the other day! What a coincidence! But seriously, I remember EVERY dream, in detail. It's so weird. Every single morning I wake up and am like 'wow..that was weird...' If someone is mean to me in a dream I will seriously be mad at them for a second and then realize, "Ohh shoot that was just a dream..." hahah soo glad you know how I feel.

szh said...

i did fun sstuff with my boyfriend this last weekend for my spring break at the slcc! but we did fun stuff around here, we went to a ReAl game, he took me to park city to shop, we went mini golfing, and to fast cart... so fun!!!!

Madi Bringhurst said...

don't worry, i'm FINALLY catching up on your blog, and am going to town on comments. they make peoples days right? anyways, I love this. I totally can relate to this post. You definitely have the right idea, girl --we really have control over how happy we are! Thanks for reminding me to keep choosing to make my life enjoyable :) love you

Madi Bringhurst said...

don't worry, i'm FINALLY catching up on your blog, and am going to town on comments. they make peoples days right? anyways, I love this. I totally can relate to this post. You definitely have the right idea, girl --we really have control over how happy we are! Thanks for reminding me to keep choosing to make my life enjoyable :) love you