Sunday, February 6, 2011

day five

day 5. FIVE things im addicted to at the moment.

1. doodling.
if you have ever sat by me in church- you know that by the time sacrament meeting is over- the entire program is covered in words, drawins, scribbles, ideas, lists, etc. it doesnt mean im not listening- i just like to do something with my hands so that i dont get all fidgity. im a child, so what.

2. my heating pad.
usually i just love this baby during that part of the month where its a life saver- however, i now love it every day of the month, at all hours.  i sleep with it on every night and its nifty because after a while it just automaticially turns off so that i dont burn a hole through my skin and cook my lungs and stuff.

3. rings.
my mom and sister told me i looked ridiculous with them all on at the same time- but i just love them all so much that i just wear them all instead of choosing a few. i recently inherited my nana's old ring and since then ive been on a kick of finding vintage and old rings. i purchased one in mexico  this past xmas- and i think ill start telling people that i got it on an indian reservation from a lady who was 102 years old. just because that sounds cooler.

4. online swimsuit shopping
mind you i have like 3 in my online shopping cart - but havent bought one it. i think i probably look everyday for some more options. i guess im just like SUPER ready for summer and feel like if i buy a swimsuit in feb. then it will get super warm or something....

5. shaving
okay this sounds weird- but alow me to explain.  im like a huge fan of shaving my arms. its the best thing in the world and think every girl (if you have hair on your arms, some people are naturally lucky- my mom, sophie)  should shave their arms- or give it a try at least.   well im obsessed and shave them just about everyday.  that way i feel like they never get to the point where they are hairy again. i swear the more i shave them- the less hair grows back.  i know thats not how it works, but i still feel that way. anywho- try it. cates did and she now kisses the ground i walk on cus she loves it so much.


Adrianne said...

1. I've been told that doodling actually helps people pay attention. I had a class that handed out papers and crayons at the beginning. Maybe you are on to something

2. Good thing it turns off. Have you seen the show about strange addictions. There is a girl who sleeps with a hair dryer ON. She has burns. I am actually super impressed the thing hasn't burned out.

3. I have the opposite problem. I take mine off to go to work and then don't wear it for weeks. I do love your vintage rings though. Very fun!

4. I too have been swimsuit shopping online. There is a darling one from j crew. Just need the $$

5. Thanks for the tip, but I was blessed with hairless arms.

Karen said...

I thought I was the only one obsessed with my heating pad. LOVE it! I totally have a bunch of swimsuits in my shopping charts online too! I am going to try the shaving my arm thing, it sounds too weird, but worth a try. Thanks for these challenges, they are great. Do you make up the questions?

Ashley C. said...

i lovvve to dooddllle.