Wednesday, February 16, 2011

day nine.

Day 9: FIVE random factaarooos (aka facts.)

1. in the driving world- i am better at reversing, than i am going forward. 
(except sometimes its not good when you think the car is in reverse, but its still in drive, and then you hit the wall at golds gym...) but for reals- i can probably drive to provo in reverse and it would be norm norm.

2. ive recently decided that when i have my own home i will have a million and three candles. cus i really like candles all the sudden. 

3. i like shopping, love looking at clothes- but like i get frustrated when i try stuff on. sometimes i wish i had a personal assistant to help me pick out a few things as an "outfit" instead of just buying lots of random stuff that doenst go togeth. (its like i want it all- but just dont know what to get)

4.  lately i like doing puzzles...and i sit there for a couple hours just working away and when i connect a piece i feel like i took a drug cus im ADDICTED and just want to connect anotherrr!!

5. i talk to the t.v. cus somewhere in the back of my mind i feel as if they can hear me. its annoying i know this- but im just trying to help is all :)

enjoy my candle obsesh-ie.

 (i saw on another blog how to make these little tea cup candles...and so im  going to make my own. it will be my first ever "craft" HAAAH we will see how that goes. im terrible at that sort of stuff. but whatever they are cute huh? yeah me likey.)

1 comment:

Ashley C. said...

parker loves puzzles. loves them. you two should puzzle together.

love you.