Monday, February 14, 2011

making a change.

i took eleven minutes out of my day to watch this and it changed my life. as i sat and watched this short documentary that i stubbled upon, i sobbed and as tears streamed down my face i made myself a promise right then- never again. i will never text and drive-EVER again. we've all done it- but 'done' is a past tense word...all we can control is the present and put it in the past and make the choice right now- to never 'do' it.

spread the word- inspire a friend- make a change- vow to stop and help others be inspired to stop as well.


Robyn Palmer said...

i watched this too! So sad. I'm not going to do it again either. Can you imagine living with that?

Courtney said...

thanks for sharing Laur....changed my life!

caitlin ann said...

im never ever texting and driving agin. thank you for showing this to me