Thursday, February 3, 2011

day three.

ya i know. im like the worst challenge blogger. i tried blogging last sunday and after i spent a quality amount of time on it- it got lost forever and didnt save. so i was mad at my blog for a couple days and avoided it at all costs.

but im back- still bitter about it, but going to try and get over it the best i can.

day 3. Five favorite colors.

prelude: im more of a natural basic color girl. im trying to branch out but as i look at my closet they are all pretty neutral. so hence my color choices...
also i change my mind a lot. so at the moment, like as in TODAY, these are my favs.

Black: because its simple. looks good on everyone & everything. esp. cars. pmts has me addicted.

Gold: Shiny, sparkly, rustic, vintage, beaten, dull, bright- whatever it is. i like it.

Green: decided to add a pop of color. its not raiding my closet- but i wouldnt mind a few more green things. plus i like all shades of green. from grass, to olive, to sea-foam. and its the color of my eyes so i feel like i got to have a soft spot for it.

Gray: prob my go-to color.  me and gray are dating and im quite obsessed. and just like green- i like all shades of gray. and not in just clothes- i like it in interior, accessories, polish, decor. give me graaaay!

White: fresh, clean, pure and is always a color that will continue to be a staple.  i like that its making a  huge comeback in the interior design world- plus a white tee never faileth ya know?


Robyn Palmer said...

I agree. I love all the new white interiors on people's houses trend right now! So fresh!

chloee said...

my fav colors to a tee... no wonder we get a long so well!