Tuesday, January 11, 2011

a day of elevens.

just for fun.

11 things i love about today- because it IS 1-11-11. what a fun day.

1.   first off- i showered which always make me feel nice and happy.

2.  i took zachary a jamba at work and got to see him for a little minute before i went to prov. 

3. when i opened the fridge there was a nice cold diet coke smiling back at me.

4. my pandora playlist was DEAD ON today. thank you thank you.

5. i went to CPK with some of my pmts posse. they are the cutest and i had missed being with them.

6. i turned in my 6 plastics to get a free lipstick from m.a.c. :) 

7.  sophie drove with me all the way to prov- it was much better to have someone to talk to rather than be on another pretend talk show....

8.  since yesterday i organized my closet- picknig out an outfit this morning was enjoyable and much easier to say the least!

9. teen mom 2 is on tonight? let the games begin!

10. i finished up a couple more things for school- i know im graduated....yet i still have little things - slowly but surely im getting it all finished :)

11. i am happy- and because of that, today is good :)

i decided i want to start another blog challenge...maybe just a 15 day one...? hmmm


sophie weichers said...

remember how you couldn't blog cause i was sitting by you?

cole linnae said...

i love your blogggggg

Nickposh said...

Yeah for being happy! So glad that you are doing good in Provo... but we miss you up here in SLC! Love you!!

Adrianne said...

oh my goodness- how cute are you! Love you!