Wednesday, January 26, 2011

new challenge.

SO. i decided i wanted to start another blog challenge. so i am.
its just a short one. about 15 days to be exact. the theme is in 5's.
you'll see what i mean.

so why waste anymore time. less get it started shall we.

day 1. FIVE things you could eat every day.

one- watermelon.
its like, you can eat tons and you dont feel full ya know? its like straight delish water basically. i really like it. and i really like the summer time when you always have it in the fridge. sometimes i like to cut it in half or so- grab a spoon and just dig in. i dont even mind the seeds- ill eat the crap outta them.

two- cheese.
string. slice. shredded. i like it all. its by far the greatest. if you didnt notice- all good food has cheese in it. for example: nachos, pizza, enchiladas, raviollis, even salad. its a staple. 

three- texas roadhouse rolls. 
when they are steaming hot and you put that delicious cinny butter on it? heck ya id eat that every single day no question.

four- frenchie toast.
id be happy if i woke up every morning and there was just french toast to great me, with homemade syrup and maybe some powdered sugar on top. im not trying to get tooo demanding but some o.j. on the side would suffice.

five- im just gonna have to say the dodo. 
like i know i dont shut up about it. but theres a reason. so i couldnt just say the turkey sandwich, cus i want the whole meal- i have to get me that banana cream cheescake too. okay ill stop talking about it now...maybe ill go pick some up? tonight? moving on...

1 comment:

Marissa Madsen said...

Love this. Miss you, love you.