Friday, November 26, 2010


Day 24: Someone you would switch lives with for a day and why

So...Im not going to make this very well thought out- cus im just not in that mood.. im more in the mood for something just off the top of my head.

okay maybe ive thought about it once or twice..

i guess one of my little secrets is that i always wanted to see what it would be like to be a celebrity. most people think that it would be awful to be followed by paparazzi and have everyone know your life...but for some reason it kind of intrigues me.  i just wanna know- im just curious to see what i would feel like.  not to the point where im going to somehow try to be famous- becuase its not a life goal...but i really think its something undesrcibable...its something that only you know what it feels like if you experience it.  to be invited to every important social event, and to get free clothes in the mail just because some designer wants you to wear it? like what kind of life is that? geezeee. plus i wouldnt mind the good-looking men. im not sure what celeb i would choose to be- i havent thought about it that far yet...but i do know that i would go on a shopping spree for myself and get myself a bunch of stuff so that when i woke up in my regular life id have a fab new wardrobe. plus id withdraw a couple million to help out those in need. it will never happen- but a girl can dream right? i just think it would be interesting to know.
i guess ill never know!

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